Fedora Core 6 image for Parallels Desktop

2007-06-11 16:47:00

Now that I've gotten my mits on an Intel Macbook I've also started dabbling with Parallels Desktop, a piece of software that'll let you run a whole bunch of virtual machines inside Mac OS X. For my work it's rather handy to have a spare Solaris system lying around, so I went with the Solaris Express image that I mentioned a few weeks ago. And now that it's about time for me to get started on my LPIC-2 exam it's also handy to have at least one Linux at hand.

Enter a pre-installed and configured Fedora Core 6 image for Parallels. At only ~730MB in size that really isn't that bad. Saves me a lot of trouble as well.

Just be sure to set your RAM at 512 MB. Any higher is supposed to crash FC, according to this OS X hint.


Tried it with my last day of the Parallels demo. It works like a charm :)

kilala.nl tags: , , ,

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