Kerberos authentication in MongoDB, with Active Directory

2018-11-22 19:35:00

I've been studying MongoDB recently, through the excellent Mongo University. I can heartily recommend their online courses! While not entirely self-paced, they allow you enough flexibility to finish each course within a certain timeframe. They combined video lectures with (ungraded) quizes, and graded labs and an exam. Good stuff!

I'm currently taking M310, the MongoDB Security course. One of the subjects covered is Kerberos authentication with MongoDB. In their lectures they show off a use-case with a Linux KDC, but I was more interested in copying the results with my Active Directory server. It took a little puzzling, a few good sources (linked below) and three hours of mucking with the final troubleshooting. But it works very nicely! 


On the Active Directory side:

 We'll have to make a normal user / service account first. I'll call it svc-mongo. This can easily be done in many ways; I used ADUC (AD Users and Computers).

Once svc-mongo exists, we'll connect it to a new Kerberos SPN: a Service Principal Name. This is how MongoDB will identify itself to Kerberos. We'll make the SPN, link it to svc-mongo and make the associated keytab (an authentication file, consider it the user's password) all in one blow:

ktpass /out m310.keytab /princ mongodb/ /mapuser svc-mongo /crypto AES256-SHA1 /ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL /pass Password2


This creates the m310.keytab file and maps the SPN "mongodb/" to the svc-mongo account. The SPN is written in the format "service/fullhostname/domain". The password for the user is also changed and some settings are set pertaining to the used cryptography and Kerberos structures. 

You can verify the SPN's existence with the setspn -Q command. For example:

PS C:usersThomasDocuments> setspn -Q mongodb/
Checking domain DC=corp,DC=broehaha,DC=nl

Existing SPN found!


The m310.keytab file is then copied to the MongoDB server ( In my case I use SCP, because I run Mongo on Linux. 


On the Linux side:

The m310.keytab file is placed into /etc/, with permissions set to 640 and ownership root:mongod. In order to use the keytab we can set an environment variable: KRB5_KTNAME="/etc/m310.keytab". This can be done in the profile of the user running MongoDB, or on RHEL-derivates in a sysconfig file. 

We need to setup /etc/krb5.conf with the bare minimum, so the Kerberos client can find the domain:

default_realm = CORP.BROEHAHA.NL

kdc =
admin_server =


default = FILE:/var/log/krb5.log


Speaking of finding the domain, there are a few crucial things that need to be setup correctly!

With that out of the way, we can start making sure that MongoDB knows about my personal user account. If the Mongo database does not yet have any user accounts setup, then we'll need to use the "localhost bypass" so we can setup a root user first. Once there is an administrative user, run MongoD in normal authorization-enabled mode. For example, again the barest of bare minimums:

mongod --auth --bind_ip --dbpath /data/db


You can then connect as the administrative user so you can setup the Kerberos account(s):

mongo --host --authenticationDatabase admin --user root --password
MongoDB> use $external 
MongoDB> db.createUser({user:"tess@CORP.BROEHAHA.NL", roles:[{role:"root",database:"admin"}]}) 


And with that out of the way, now that we can actually use Kerberos-auth. We'll restart MongoD with Kerberos enabled, at the same time disabling the standard Mongo password authentication and thus lock out the root user we used above. 

mongod --auth --bind_ip --authenticationMechanisms=GSSAPI --dbpath /data/db


We can then request a Kerberos ticket for my own account, start a Mongo shell and authenticate inside Mongo as myself:

root@database:~# kinit tess@CORP.BROEHAHA.NL -V
Using default cache: /tmp/krb5cc_0
Using principal: tess@CORP.BROEHAHA.NL
Password for tess@CORP.BROEHAHA.NL:
Authenticated to Kerberos v5

root@database:~# mongo --host
MongoDB shell version: 3.2.21
connecting to:

MongoDB Enterprise > use $external
switched to db $external

MongoDB Enterprise > db.auth({mechanism:"GSSAPI", user:"tess@CORP.BROEHAHA.NL"})


HUZZAH! It worked!

Oh right!.. What was the thing that took me hours of troubleshooting? Initially I ran MongoD without the --bind_ip option to tie it to the external IP address and hostname. I was running it on localhost. :( And thus the MongoD process identified itself to the KDC as mongodb/localhost. It never showed that in any logging, so that's why I missed it. I had assumed that simply passing the keytab file was enough to authenticate.


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