2016-01-04 09:28:00
As part of an ongoing research project I'm working on, I've had the need to update an end-users' password in Microsoft's Active Directory. Not from Windows, not through "ADUC" (AD Users and Computers), but from literally anywhere. Thankfully I stumbled upon this very handy lesson from the University of Birmingham.
I've tweaked their exemplary script a little bit, which results in the script shown at the bottom of this post. Using said script as a proof of concept I was able to show that the old-fashioned way of using LDAP to update a user's password in AD will still work on Windows Server 2016 (as that's the target server I run AD on).
Called as follows:
$ php encodePwd.php user='Pippi Langstrumpf' newpw=Bora38Sr > Pippi.ldif
Resulting LDIF file:
$ cat Pippi.ldif dn: CN=Pippi Langstrumpf,CN=Users,DC=broehaha,DC=nl changetype: modify replace: unicodePwd unicodePwd:: IgBOAG8AggBhQDMAOQBGAHIAIgA=
Imported as follows:
$ ldapmodify -f Pippi.ldif -H ldaps://win2016.broehaha.nl -D 'CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=broehaha,DC=nl' -W Enter LDAP Password: modifying entry "CN=Pippi Langstrumpf,CN=Users,DC=broehaha,DC=nl"
Once the ldapmodify has completed, I can login to my Windows Server 2016 host with Pippi's newly set password "Bora38Sr".
<?php function EncodePwd($pw) { $newpw = ''; $pw = "\"" . $pw . "\""; $len = strlen($pw); for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) $newpw .= "{$pw{$i}}\000"; $newpw = base64_encode($newpw); return $newpw; } if($argc > 1) { foreach($argv as $arg) { list($argname, $argval) = split("=",$arg); $$argname = $argval; } } $userdn = 'CN='.$user.',CN=Users,DC=broehaha,DC=nl'; $newpw64 = EncodePwd($newpw); $ldif=<<<EOT dn: $userdn changetype: modify replace: unicodePwd unicodePwd:: $newpw64 EOT; print_r($ldif); ?>
kilala.nl tags: work, sysadmin,
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