2007-09-26 13:51:00
In my first year at Hogeschool Utrecht I will follow a few second year's courses, to speed up my studies. One of these second year courses is Project Vakdidactiek, which concerns the didactics behind teaching maths.
The final term for this project consists of a dozen reports and assignments, all of which should prove your comprehension of didactics. Materials used in this course include Effectief leren in de les by S. Ebbens e.a. and Wiskundeonderwijs in de basisvorming by APS Publishing.
A few of the assignments require us to make so-called BIT leesverslagen (reading reports). These reports include a summary of the relevant chapters, as well as a chapter covering reflection on the material. On this web page I'll publish the summary sections of these reports. I'll keep the other stuff to myself for now.
Currently, summaries for the following chapters are available.
This is part of dossieropdracht 2, which focuses on direct instruction (directe instructie).
You can download the summary as a PDF document.
This is part of dossieropdracht 11, which focuses on cooperative learning (samenwerkend leren).
You can download the summary as a PDF document.
kilala.nl tags: school, summary, maths,
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