Nagios script: check_log3

2006-06-01 00:00:00

This script was written at the time I was hired by KPN i-Diensten. It is reproduced/shared here with their permission.

Today I made an improved version of the Nagios monitor "check_log2", which is now aptly called "check_log3". It includes all the improvements I originally added to "check_log2", so you can simply use this as a drop-in replacement.

Version 3 of this script gives you the option to add a second query to the monitor.

The previous two incarnations of the script only allowed you to search for one query and would return a Critical if it was found. Now you can also add a query which will return in a Warning message as well. Goody! :3

1st of Feb, 2006:

Kyle Tucker pointed out that he had problems running this script with bash on Solaris. The changes he suggested have been worked into the newer version. Thanks Kyle :)

5th of Mar, 2006:

I finally got round to fix the script according to all the changes Kyle (and others) suggested. So here's another try! Right now I've tested the script on Red Hat, Mac OS X and Solaris, so it should be much better than before.

19th of June, 2006:

Cleaned up the script a bit and added some checks that are considered the Right Thing to do. Should have done this -way- earlier!

Also stomped out a few horrendous bugs! I'm very sorry for putting out such a buggy script earlier... If you've started using the script in your environment, please download the latest version. Thanks to Ali Khan for pointing out these mistakes.

# Log file pattern detector plugin for Nagios
# Written by Ethan Galstad (
# Last Modified: 07-31-1999
# Heavily modified by Thomas Sluyter (nagiosATkilalaDOTnl)
# Last Modified: 19-06-2006
# Usage: ./check_log3 -F log_file -O old_log_file -C crit-pattern -W warn-pattern
# Description:
# This plugin will scan a log file (specified by the log_file option)
# for specific patterns (specified by the XXX-pattern options).  Successive
# calls to the plugin script will only report *new* pattern matches in the
# log file, since an copy of the log file from the previous run is saved
# to old_log_file.
# Output:
# On the first run of the plugin, it will return an OK state with a message
# of "Log check data initialized".  On successive runs, it will return an OK
# state if *no* pattern matches have been found in the *difference* between the
# log file and the older copy of the log file.  If the plugin detects any 
# pattern matches in the log diff, it will return a CRITICAL state and print
# out a message is the following format: "(x) last_match", where "x" is the
# total number of pattern matches found in the file and "last_match" is the
# last entry in the log file which matches the pattern.
# Notes:
# If you use this plugin make sure to keep the following in mind:
#    1.  The "max_attempts" value for the service should be 1, as this
#        will prevent Nagios from retrying the service check (the
#        next time the check is run it will not produce the same results).
#    2.  The "notify_recovery" value for the service should be 0, so that
#        Nagios does not notify you of "recoveries" for the check.  Since
#        pattern matches in the log file will only be reported once and not
#        the next time, there will always be "recoveries" for the service, even
#        though recoveries really don't apply to this type of check.
#    3.  You *must* supply a different old_file_log for each service that
#        you define to use this plugin script - even if the different services
#        check the same log_file for pattern matches.  This is necessary
#        because of the way the script operates.
#    4.  Changes to the script were made by Thomas Sluyter (
#	 * The first set of changes will allow the script to run properly on Solaris, which
#	   it did not do by default. The second set of changes will allow the following:
#	 * State retention. In the original script, if a NOK was put into the log file
#	   at point A in time and it is not repeated at A+1, then an OK is sent to Nagios. 
# 	   Not something that you would like to happen.
#	      I've added the $oldlog.STATE trigger file which retains the last exitstatus. Should
# 	   there be no new lines added to the log, check_log will simply repeat the last state
#	   instead of give an OK.
#	      In order for this state retention to work properly your client system MUST
#        * Two queries. In the original script you could only enter one query which, when
#	   found, would result in  a Critical message being sent to Nagios. I've added the 
#	   possibility to add another query, which will result in a Warning message.
#	 * Bugfix: changed all instances of "crit-count" and "warn-count" to "critcount" and
#	   "warncount" after a tip from Kyle Tucker who ran into problems running this script
#	   with bash on Solaris.

# Paths to commands used in this script.  These
# may have to be modified to match your system setup.


PROGNAME=`basename $0`
PROGPATH=`echo $0 | sed -e 's,[\\/][^\\/][^\\/]*$,,'`

. /usr/local/nagios/libexec/

print_usage() {
    echo "Usage: $PROGNAME -F logfile -O oldlog -C CRITquery -W WARNquery"
    echo "Usage: $PROGNAME --help"
    echo "Usage: $PROGNAME --version"

print_help() {
    echo ""
    echo ""
    echo "Log file pattern detector plugin for Nagios"
    echo ""

# Make sure the correct number of command line
# arguments have been supplied

if [ $# -lt 8 ]; then

# Grab the command line arguments

exitstatus=$STATE_WARNING #default
while test -n "$1"; do
    case "$1" in
            exit $STATE_OK
            exit $STATE_OK
            echo "Unknown argument: $1"
            exit $STATE_UNKNOWN

# If the source log file doesn't exist, exit

if [ ! -e $logfile ]; then
    echo "Log check error: Log file $logfile does not exist!"
    echo $STATE_UNKNOWN > $oldlog.STATE

# If the dump/temp log file doesn't exist, this must be the first time
# we're running this test, so copy the original log file over to
# the old diff file and exit

if [ ! -e $oldlog ]; then
    cat $logfile > $oldlog

    let TEMPcount=$TEMPcount+$(tail -1 $logfile | grep -i $WARNquery | wc -l | awk '{print $1}')
    let TEMPcount=$TEMPcount+$(tail -1 $logfile | grep -i $CRITquery | wc -l | awk '{print $1}')

    if [ $TEMPcount -gt 0 ]
       echo "Log check data initialized... Last line contained error message."
       echo $STATE_WARNING > $oldlog.STATE
       exit $STATE_WARNING
       echo "Log check data initialized..."
       echo $STATE_OK > $oldlog.STATE
       exit $STATE_OK

# A bug which was caught very late:
# If newlog is shorter than oldlog, the diff used below will return
# false positives for the query because the will be in $oldlog. Why?
# Because $oldlog is not rolled over / rotated, like $newlog. I need
# to fix this in a kludgy way.

if [ `wc -l $logfile|awk '{print $1}'` -lt `wc -l $oldlog|awk '{print $1}'` ]
    rm $oldlog
    cat $logfile > $oldlog
    let TEMPcount=$TEMPcount+$(tail -1 $logfile | grep -i $WARNquery | wc -l | awk '{print $1}')
    let TEMPcount=$TEMPcount+$(tail -1 $logfile | grep -i $CRITquery | wc -l | awk '{print $1}')

    if [ $TEMPcount -gt 0 ]
       echo "Log check data initialized... Last line contained error message."
       echo $STATE_WARNING > $oldlog.STATE
       exit $STATE_WARNING
       echo "Log check data initialized..."
       echo $STATE_OK > $oldlog.STATE
       exit $STATE_OK

# The oldlog file exists, so compare it to the original log now

# The temporary file that the script should use while
# processing the log file.
if [ -x mktemp ]; then
    tempdiff=`mktemp /tmp/check_log.XXXXXXXXXX`
    tempdate=`/bin/date '+%H%M%S'`
    touch $tempdiff

diff $logfile $oldlog > $tempdiff

if [ `wc -l $tempdiff | awk '{print $1}'` -eq 0 ]
     rm $tempdiff
     touch $oldlog.STATE
     exitstatus=`cat $oldlog.STATE`
     echo "LOG FILE - No status change detected. Status = $exitstatus"
     exit $exitstatus

# Count the number of matching log entries we have
CRITcount=`grep -c "$CRITquery" $tempdiff`
WARNcount=`grep -c "$WARNquery" $tempdiff`

# Get the last matching entry in the diff file
CRITlastentry=`grep "$CRITquery" $tempdiff | tail -1`
WARNlastentry=`grep "$WARNquery" $tempdiff | tail -1`

rm $tempdiff
cat $logfile > $oldlog

if [ "$CRITcount" -gt 0 ]; then
    	echo "($CRITcount) $CRITlastentry"
    	echo $STATE_CRITICAL > $oldlog.STATE

if [ "$WARNcount" -gt 0 ]; then
    	echo "($WARNcount) $WARNlastentry"
    	echo $STATE_WARNING > $oldlog.STATE

echo "Log check ok - 0 pattern matches found"
exit $STATE_OK

echo "Starting clean"
rm /tmp/foobar /usr/local/nagios/var/foobar*
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_log3 -F /tmp/foobar -O /usr/local/nagios/var/foobar.archive -C neko -W bla
echo $?
echo ""

echo "Starting normally"
echo "baka"
echo "normal" >> /tmp/foobar
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_log3 -F /tmp/foobar -O /usr/local/nagios/var/foobar.archive -C neko -W bla
echo $?
echo ""
echo "baka"
echo "normal" >> /tmp/foobar
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_log3 -F /tmp/foobar -O /usr/local/nagios/var/foobar.archive -C neko -W bla
echo $?
echo ""
echo "warning"
echo "bla" >> /tmp/foobar
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_log3 -F /tmp/foobar -O /usr/local/nagios/var/foobar.archive -C neko -W bla
echo $?
echo ""
echo "critical"
echo "neko" >> /tmp/foobar
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_log3 -F /tmp/foobar -O /usr/local/nagios/var/foobar.archive -C neko -W bla
echo $?
echo ""
echo "warning"
echo "bla" >> /tmp/foobar
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_log3 -F /tmp/foobar -O /usr/local/nagios/var/foobar.archive -C neko -W bla
echo $?
echo ""
echo "normal"
echo "baka" >> /tmp/foobar
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_log3 -F /tmp/foobar -O /usr/local/nagios/var/foobar.archive -C neko -W bla
echo $?
echo ""

echo "Log rotation with crit"
rm /tmp/foobar
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_log3 -F /tmp/foobar -O /usr/local/nagios/var/foobar.archive -C neko -W bla
echo $?
echo ""
echo "critical"
echo "neko" >> /tmp/foobar
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_log3 -F /tmp/foobar -O /usr/local/nagios/var/foobar.archive -C neko -W bla
echo $?
echo ""
echo "normal"
echo "baka" >> /tmp/foobar
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_log3 -F /tmp/foobar -O /usr/local/nagios/var/foobar.archive -C neko -W bla
echo $?
echo ""

echo "Log rotation with warn"
rm /tmp/foobar
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_log3 -F /tmp/foobar -O /usr/local/nagios/var/foobar.archive -C neko -W bla
echo $?
echo ""
echo "warning"
echo "bla" >> /tmp/foobar
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_log3 -F /tmp/foobar -O /usr/local/nagios/var/foobar.archive -C neko -W bla
echo $?
echo ""
echo "normal"
echo "baka" >> /tmp/foobar
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_log3 -F /tmp/foobar -O /usr/local/nagios/var/foobar.archive -C neko -W bla
echo $?
echo ""

echo "Normal log rotation"
rm /tmp/foobar
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_log3 -F /tmp/foobar -O /usr/local/nagios/var/foobar.archive -C neko -W bla
echo $?
echo ""
echo "normal"
echo "baka" >> /tmp/foobar
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_log3 -F /tmp/foobar -O /usr/local/nagios/var/foobar.archive -C neko -W bla
echo $?
echo ""
echo "normal"
echo "baka" >> /tmp/foobar
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_log3 -F /tmp/foobar -O /usr/local/nagios/var/foobar.archive -C neko -W bla
echo $?
echo "" tags: , , ,

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