On diversifying, on professionalising and on picking more than I can chew

2024-09-12 21:56:00

I love teaching. I very much enjoy helping people understand and apply new concepts. 

Thus I'm very grateful for the opportunities I've been granted! I've taught in-house classes with my customers and I'm a returning instructor at ITVitae. I teach Linux, DevSecOps and security concepts, all with a lot of professional experience and a modicum of didactics. I got lucky this week, on the latter part!

But first: I'm looking to diversify my portfolio. I'm already a backup trainer for Firebrand and Logical Operations, but I'd like to actually teach more frequently! Which is why I've reached out to Security Academy, here in the Netherlands, earlier this year. At the time I had a great first meeting with Rick. Great insofar that we both saw opportunities and because that single hour held some educational nuggets of wisdom for me. 

This week I had my try-out training session with them and let me start with my conclusion:

Even if I had not been hired, I would have still come out as a winner.

The try-out session had me prepare a 15-30 minute mini-class (which I did on zine-making). My audience consisted of three Security Academy colleagues and Rick observing as the fourth person present. What I didn't catch on to, was that the three colleagues were put into very specific roles: the enthusiast, the disruptor and the dead horse

In just half an hour, they managed to find a whole bunch of my pitfalls and strong points! Some of my pitfalls I was already aware of, sometimes painfully so, others were novel. 

Hence why I say: even if Rick decided not to move forward with me, I'd still taken a free masterclass!

Well, speaking of?! Rick invited me to take part in two masterclass sessions on didactics, with other Security Academy trainers. Those sessions? Awesome! The theoretical parts were a repeat and solidification of things I'd learned in my CTT+ certification. The practical session uncovered more pitfalls which I was not conciously aware of. I'm very grateful to have been part of this free masterclass!

Now... As I told my co-worker Roald: I have a tendency of biting off more than I can chew. 

This is yet again evidenced, this time by me taking on a new customer! So, not only have I been accepted as trainer by Security Academy, I have also been hired (with two actually planned classes!) for teaching Linux to a group of trainees. 

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