The price our grand-children were to pay

2021-08-11 08:14:00

We need change now.

Image courtesy of UN Climate Action.

"There's a price our grand-children will have to pay."

Remember that one? About the climate? We've been saying that for so long that we forgot what it means. Well, fun's over: we are those grand-children. My generation, the twenty-somethings I teach at school, my daughter! We're all going to pay the piper, starting this decade. 

The IPCC, an international cooperation of hundreds of scientists, has recently confirmed that what they've been saying for decades is not only true, it's also happening right now. 

The full report is a whopping 1300 pages, which is too much for mere mortals such as you and me to take in. But luckily there's friendly folks who create summaries.

Or as Zentouro puts it, if you really want to panic and feel desperate, try playing with the IPCC's Interactive Atlas which shows you exactly how things will be changing on the short term.

To put it bluntly: all of us will need to pull together and start taking measures that we will not like. Forego travel-for-fun, drastically cut down meat consumption and your consumption of luxury goods overall. Bitter pills to swallow and all that. But if that means that the earth will only burn for fifty years instead of a hundred, I guess that'll be worth it. 

To make sure that it's not just us putting in the efforts, make sure to influence your local politics! It's not just the people who need to change, it's our nations and our companies.

Write to your representatives, to your congressmen, to your politicians. Refer them to the IPCC's summary for policy makers, refer them to the IPCC's FAQ on the AR6 report

It's time to get angry and to help make changes. It was time thirty years ago, but better late than never. tags: ,

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