Updating my pen-testing experience: "Modern Webapp Pen-testing" by BHIS and WWHF

2021-01-29 16:14:00

I've been dabbling in pen-testing for a few years now; it's never been my main gig and I wonder whether it'll ever be. For now it's a wonderful challenge which makes its way into my work assignments. 

Case in point: at my new customer I'll be performing pen-tests on contemporary applications and services. Java backends, Javascript frontends and lots of APIs! It's in that area that I feel I need additional development: I've learned and practiced with a lot of vulnerabilities and software stacks, but not these. 

Which is why I yet again turned to Black Hills InfoSec and WWHF, for another training! This time around, it's "Modern webapp pen-testing with B.B. King".

Where the "Applied Purple Teaming" class I recently took was okay, B.B.'s class was excellent! All the labs use OWASP's Juice Shop project, which combines NodeJS on the backend (with REST APIs!) with AngularJS on the frontend. Throw in MongoDB for some NoSQL and you've got a party going!

All in all, B.B.'s teaching style is great and his interactions with us students were pure gold. In general, the Discord chat was lively and had great contributions from people all over the world. I'd highly recommend this class! I'll defo learn more with Juice Shop and other vulnerable apps in the upcoming months. :)

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