"Applied Purple Teaming" training, by BHIS and Defensive Origins

2021-01-08 15:19:00

I fear that I may have been over-doing it a little bit the past few weeks. 

December 21st was my last day at my previous assignment, with my new assignment starting January 11th. The three weeks inbetween were spent on the holidays and on studying. I pushed through:

The latter two are both advertised as 16 hour trainings, but I've easily spent upwards of 20-25 hours on each to go through the labs and to research side quests. A few hours more on improvements to the labs for the latter, since I ran into many problems with their Terraforming scripts for Azure Cloud. Huzzah for cooperation through Github. 

While I found the APT class very educational, I can't shake the feeling that it could have been better. In some cases K&J skipped through a number of topics relatively quickly, as "these are basics, etc" and at some points there was rapid back-and-forth between slides. Granted, I did watch the VoD-recordings of their July session and I expect their more recent classes to have been more fluent. 

Thanks to K&J's class my todo list has grown tremendously. Between trainings and certifications added to my wishlist, I've also added a number of improvements that I would like to apply to my homelab. First and foremost: right-sizing my network segments and properly applying all local firewalls. This is a best-practice that will hinder lateral movement in simulations or real-world scenarios.

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