OSCP and PWK studies: progress

2017-01-24 21:16:00

It's been a few weeks since I took the PWK (Pentesting With Kali Linux) course at TSTC in Veenendaal. After a short break, I've gone over the whole course book a second time. On the one hand to keep the materials fresh in my head, but also to go over all of the exercises a second time. By making a proper report of all the exercises, it's possible to qualify for 5 bonus points on the OSCP exam. On a minimum score of 70 points, that's a pretty big deal!

I'm currently busting my head on chapter 8, on Linux buffer overflows, which wasn't handled in class. I'm fine on the general concepts and execution, but I'm running afoul a conflict between the 64-bit EDB debugger and the 32-bit application used as an example. Things aren't playing 100% nice, with an unexpected segfault currently getting in my way. 

After this, it's time to start my lab time. I've finished all the coursework as far as possible without using the labs, but now that can't be postponed anymore. 

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