Getting with the times: website renovation

2017-01-19 22:18:00

It's been roughly eight years since I started work on KilalaCMS, the code that runs this website. She's served me well and I haven't had many headaches. Early on, Dick offered me lots of great help in sanitizing input, putting up at least some SQL injection protection. In the end it might not be much to look at, but she's mine :)

A few months back Dreamhost sent their customers who were still on PHP5.5 a warning that said version would soon be dropped from their servers. Thus, it was a warning to go check your code. Obviously KilalaCMS was behind the times, so I've now taken some time to adjust things here and there so it works in PHP7.0. I've also taken the liberty to default everything to HTTPS, using a free SSL cert from Lets Encrypt. Dreamhost took care of the latter part for me. Good service!

I may run into a bug or two, but so far things are looking good!

EDIT: Kudos by the way to Dreamhost for their tech support! As part of the reno, I'd decided to run an "sqlmap" test against my DEV site, to make sure I wasn't leaving SQLI in plain sight. After the first tentative probe, the server slammed the door on my nose! They've got their boxes set up quite nicely, to prevent attacks like these. Nice! Had a chat with their support people and we worked out a nice way for me to test, without affecting my site or any of the other folks hosted on my box. tags: , ,

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