All my term papers on Student Identity Development

2008-02-16 20:52:00

One of the killer courses in the first year of the teachers education at Hogeschool Utrecht is Kijk op leerlingen en leren. This course has a twofold focus and is tested in three seperate ways. The two main subjects of this course are identity development in students and a new approach to teaching known as The New Learning (Het Nieuwe Leren).

Testing is done as follows:

  1. An exam on identity development in teens.
  2. Five term papers on identity development.
  3. A group project on Het Nieuwe Leren, with a bunch of papers as output.

To help prepare for the test, I've written a summary of the book that we used in class. The book in question is Identiteitsontwikkeling en leerlingbegeleiding by van der Wal, de Mooij and de Wilde. Here's the summary.

The page you're currently browsing features all of my term papers on identity development and all of the papers I wrote for the group project.

Dossier opdracht 1

As an introduction to this course all students are asked to look back at their own teenage years. They're asked to speak candidly about their days in high school, their sexual development and their identity as a teenager.

Since this document contains a lot of stuff that hits a bit too close to home, I won't be putting it up on my website.

Dossier opdracht 2

This paper contains a few assignments about chapter 2 from the course book. The chapter covers basic identity development, including the various influences that work on a teenager.

This document is available as a .PDF document and can be downloaded here.

Dossier opdracht 3

This paper contains a few assignments about chapter 3 from the course book. The chapter covers the development of intelligence and learning processes.

I haven't done this one yet ^_^

Dossier opdracht 4

This paper contains a few assignments about chapter 4 from the course book. The chapter covers the sexual identity of teenagers and how they cope with the changes their body and mind go through.

This document is available as a .PDF document and can be downloaded here.

Dossier opdracht 5

This paper contains a few assignments about chapter 5 from the course book. This chapter covers student guidance and counseling. It explains what to do with students who have learning problems, or various disabilities.

This document is available as a .PDF document and can be downloaded here.

Group project on The New Learning

The second, huge part of this project involved research into The New Learning, or Het Nieuwe Leren as it is known in the Netherlands. These "new" (or actually "reinvented") teaching methods have led to a lot of changes to the dutch educational system and as you can imagine it has led to a lot of fighting as well.

Our group of four was asked to investigate various parts of Het Nieuwe Leren, including the didactical and historical backgrounds. We produced a number of documents, but you'll only find my own documents on this site.

The following documents are available for download: tags: , , ,

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