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Temporarily interrupting an SSH session to run local commands

2025-02-28 21:16:00

I was today-years-old when I realized something about SSH that I hadn't realized before. 

A student of mine was using SSH to connect between two Linux hosts and he wondered if it's possible to temporarily pause or interrupt the SSH session, so he can run a few commands on the source / originating host. 

I thought, surely there must be! And there is! I just never realized before. :)

Way way way back, twenty years ago, we used Cyclades terminal servers at ${Customer}. Nifty rackmounted boxes that hook up to the network and provide SSH access to 24 or more serial ports. 

I remembered from back then that SSH had a command to immediately kill an SSH connection: ~. 

The tilde being the stop / escape character for SSH and the dot being the kill command. You could also quickly type ~? in an SSH session to pull up a menu. 

To answer my student's question, I hopped into my Fedora box from Windows with SSH and then did another SSH to Ubuntu. That's one SSH after connecting using another. 

You can stack multiple tildes to indicate which SSH client you're talking to. Typing ~. kills the Windows to Fedora connection, while ~~. kills the Fedora to Ubuntu connection. 

Looking at the ~? menu I noticed a few neat options, including ~^Z. 

In Unix terminals, ^Z (ctrl Z) is used to send a suspend / SIGSTOP to your running process. So indeed, the following happened:

tess@ubuntu $ hostname

tess@ubuntu $ ~^Z
bash: suspended ssh

tess@fedora $ hostname

tess@fedora $ fg


It works! :D tags: , , ,

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Keeping learning accessible

2025-02-23 10:23:00

I'm on various IT-learning Discords, to my own detriment sometimes, that's no secret. 

On one of the servers, three or four of us experienced folks have been coaching one particular learner who's been on A+ 1101 for six months now. Along the way, the student has had a much lower pace than the average student and almost every topic leads to days-long discussions on intricacies or on misunderstandings of the topic.

It's to such a point that some of the new faces (whom join the server every week) utter things like "surely you're trolling" and "you can't be serious".

Among the seniors we've discussed the matter and we're sure this learner is not a troll. Instead there are a number of clues that point at either a learning disability, neurodivergence or simply a somewhat lower cognitive capability. These include:

Recognizing such indicators is one thing, knowing how to deal with them is another thing entirely. Unfortunately we're not quite equipped for it. 

For one, each of us is just another visitor of the Discord server. We do this in our spare time, to help others and to have a little fun along the way. It's not within our capabilities to spend 4+ hours every day providing 1:1 coaching to this learner. 

Sub-optimal factors for the learner:

I have theorized that the learner in question surely would be better served by attending a "real" school: brick & mortar buildings, full-on interaction between students and teachers, a teacher who can immediately notice that a student is struggling. Unfortunately, going to such a school is not always an option given factors like location, region, personal budget and their social situation or upbringing.

It's been an interesting journey.

Just today I've had to remind some of the others in the server that not every brain operates in the same fashion. Case in point: tags: , ,

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The impact of DOGE and a case for non-political case studies

2025-02-12 19:52:00

On the CompTIA Instructor's Network, Greg wondered whether DOGE (the newly minted NGO in the US) is actually a threat to national security. A lively discussion broke out, where Hank remarked:

"In this case, I am not sure how to discuss the technical issues without politics."


I suggested that we can discuss the issue, from the point of view of the aspects of infosec which we teach: Risk management. Threat modeling. Assumed breach. Access controls. Data destruction.

So here's a threat modeling exercise:

The case:

Question to the students:

Which security controls can we put in place to disrupt the threat actor's activities and to prevent or mitigate the threat actor's interests and activities? tags: , ,

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Prepping for OSCP+ and CPTS

2025-01-24 20:41:00

Three weeks ago I mentioned that I'm going for my OSCP certification, again.

Since then I've been working my way through the Hack The Box Academy pentest learning path. On the one hand to refresh what I already know, on the other hand to learn some new tricks... And in general to get back into a regular process loop of research-enumerate-attack-privesc-loot.

Overal the HTB course has been pretty great!

I've recently also taken a look at Try Hack Me (though not as extensively as HTB) and I like the THM interface a lot less than HTB. In almost every aspect (UI, writing, examples and labs) I like HTB a lot more than THM. 

There's one module where I feel HTB could've done things differently: Password AttacksIn that module, they could give just a little more guidance in the brute forcing exercises, to ensure students don't have to spend 2+ hours waiting for a test to run. 

I know: it's realistic! In real life you could have a cracker like hashcat run for days without results. You could have a brute forcer like Hydra come up dry after six hours. But when you're going through a training and most sections in a module take 30 minutes, it really grinds your pace to a halt when one section takes 2+ hours, just because you're waiting. 

When the example files give you 100 users and 200 passwords, even without permutations that gives you 20.000 login attempts to try. Adding the custom permutation rules the HTB lab suggests, you're looking at 94k possible passwords, so nine million login attempts. 

For a lab, that just doesn't fly. For the final exam? Sure! But not while you're trying to learn and practice. tags: ,

View or add comments (curr. 0) for password cracking

2025-01-20 20:59:00

A few days ago I was moping about how slow my laptops and other computers are too slow for password cracking. Someone tipped me about, which offers GPU-workloads in the cloud.

It cost me $0.04 to rent fifteen minutes of time on someone's 4090. The actual cracking took less than a minute, the other fourteen were spent moving in my password list and the hashes. 

This is great :D tags: , ,

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Hashcat, Linux VM in UTM and MacOS on ARM

2025-01-06 15:37:00

Just a gentle reminder that you really shouldn't try to use Hashcat (the password cracker) in a virtual machine. Not even in UTM on aarch64

Instead, install it on your host OS so it can properly make use of the GPU in your computer for accelerated cracking. On MacOS it's as simple as "brew install hashcat".

It's not super-fast on my M2 Macbook Air, I'll give you that. 

Running: hashcat --username -m 7300 ipmi.txt -a 3 "?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1" -1 "?d?u"

Hash.Mode........: 7300 (IPMI2 RAKP HMAC-SHA1)
Hash.Target......: 0d7bd5208204000049bc6aa3b42dabc39b36794995510217ff9...c8bbc7
Guess.Mask.......: ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1 [8]
Guess.Charset....: -1 ?d?u, -2 Undefined, -3 Undefined, -4 Undefined
Speed.#1.........: 134.2 MH/s (10.98ms) @ Accel:192 Loops:16 Thr:64 Vec:1
Hardware.Mon.#1..: Util:100%


I've reconsidered. I uninstalled the Homebrew version of Hashcat and built it from source. Running it now, it doesn't use Metal but OpenCL. Performance is somewhat better on my M2.

Hash.Mode........: 7300 (IPMI2 RAKP HMAC-SHA1)
Hash.Target......: 0d7bd5208204000049bc6aa3b42dabc39b36794995510217ff9...c8bbc7
Guess.Mask.......: ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1 [8]
Guess.Charset....: -1 ?d?u, -2 Undefined, -3 Undefined, -4 Undefined
Speed.#2.........: 157.7 MH/s (10.20ms) @ Accel:256 Loops:512 Thr:64 Vec:1
Hardware.Mon.#2..: Util:100% tags: , ,

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Using ODAT to pentest Oracle TNS on aarch64 (ARM)

2025-01-06 14:28:00

Hack The Box have a nice lab, where we're introduced to the basics of poking at the Oracle TNS service. 

In this lab, they offer a set of commands to download and setup ODAT (Oracle Database Attacking Tool) on your Linux workstation. They assume you're working on Parrot OS, on x86_64

Meanwhile, I'm working on Kali Linux, inside UTM, in MacOS on aarch64. The instructions are different. Here's what worked for me.


sudo apt-get install libaio1t64 python3-dev alien -y

cd ~
git clone
cd odat/
git submodule init
git submodule update


export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(pwd)/instantclient_19_25:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export PATH="$PATH:$(pwd)/instantclient_19_25"
echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"$(pwd)/instantclient_19_25:\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH\"" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export PATH=\"\$PATH:$(pwd)/instantclient_19_25\"" >> ~/.bashrc

sudo apt-get install -y python3-cx-oracle python3-scapy
sudo apt-get install -y python3-colorlog python3-termcolor python3-passlib python3-pycryptodome python3-pyinstaller python3-libnmap
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential libgmp-dev

Next to this, you will also need to make one small change to in the ODAT directory. The import statement at the top (at least on my Kali box) needs to be changed to read: "from Cryptodome.Crypto import AES". tags: , ,

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Kali Linux on ARM Mac Silicon

2025-01-05 19:03:00

The Kali installer, seemingly stuck

I know, I know, I'm not a fan of Kali Linux. But for the OSCP exam it's kind of required that you use it, so I thought I'd set it up on my Mac workstations. Both have an M1/M2 ARM processor, meaning I need to forego the usual VirtualBox + x86 install. Instead, I'm using UTM.

Luckily it's a perfectly viable setup, with a caveat.

The installer will show a black screen, or if you run it in "expert mode" it'll look like the system got stuck booting. As per the screenshot above. 

Turns out, it's running just fine, but the installer lacks the required drivers to make the UTM / Qemu video display work. The UTM documentation gives clear guidance: you need to enable a serial port on the VM, at least for the duration of the install. The installation TUI will be available on the serial port (also shown in the screenshot).

After that, everything works perfectly fine! 

Except that cmd-tab-ing back and forth between UTM and other apps, keeps popping up the applications menu in XFCE. Aggravating!

Luckily, that's easily solved by going into the XFCE Settings Manager > Keyboard > Shortcuts and disabling the "Super L" shortcut for "xfce4-popup-whiskermenu".

Also: if you want to enable the sharing of files and if you want to have copy/paste between MacOS and Kali, you will need to install two additional packages. You'll need to install: spice-vdagent and spice-webdavd.

Also: if you'd like to have a permanent mount of that shared folder, via VirtFS, add this to /etc/fstab:

share /mnt/utm 9p trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L,rw,_netdev,nofail,auto 0 0

Full details here in the UTM docu. tags: ,

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