Nagios script: retrieve_custom_snmp

2006-06-01 00:00:00

This script was written while I was hired by KPN i-Diensten. It is reproduced/shared here with their permission.

One of the things we've been looking into recently, is running the standard Nagios plugins through SNMP instead of through NRPE. Putting aside the discussion of the various merits and flaws such a solution has, let's say that it works nicely.

How do you do this?

In your snmpd.conf add a line like:

exec . check_load /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_load

exec . check_mem /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_mem –w 85 –c 95

exec . check_swap /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_swap -w 15% -c 5%

What this does, is tell the SNMP daemon to run the check_load script when someone asks for object . (or .2, or .3). The exit code for the script will be place in OID.100.0 and the first line of output will be placed in OID.101.1. This script retrieves those two values through SNMP and returns them to Nagios.

Your checkcommands.cfg should contain something like:

define command{

command_name retrieve_custom_snmp

command_line $USER1$/retrieve_custom_snmp -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -o $ARG1$ }

The "-o" parameter takes the OID you have selected for your custom check.

Now... How do you select an OID? There's two ways:

1. The WRONG way = randomly selecting some OID. You might pick an OID which is needed for other monitoring purposes in your network.

2. The RIGHT way = requesting a private Enterprise ID for your company at IANA. You are free to build an SNMP tree beneath this EID. For example, the EID 6886 mentioned above is registered to KPN (my current client). The sub-tree .4.1 contains all OIDs referring to Nagios checks performed by my department.

Before sending out that request, please check the current EID list to see if you company already owns a private subtree. If that's the case, contact the "owner" to request your own part of the subtree.

UPDATE (2006-10-02):

Thanks to the kind folks on the Nagios Users ML I've found out that my original version of the script was totally bug-ridden. I've made a big bunch of adjustments and now the script should work properly. Thanks especially to Andreas Ericsson.

# Script to retrieve custom SNMP objects set using the "exec" handler
# Written by Thomas Sluyter (nagiosATkilalaDOTnl)
# By request of KPN-IS, i-Provide, the Netherlands
# Last Modified: 18-07-2006
# Usage: ./retrieve_custom_snmp
# Description:
#   On our Nagios client systems we use a lot of custom MIB OIDs which are
# registered under our own Enterprise ID. A whole bunch of the 
# original Nagios script are run through the SNMP daemon and their exit
# codes and output are appended to specific OID. This all happens using the
# SNMP "exec" handler.
#   Unfortunately the default check_snmp script doesn't allow for easy 
# handling of these objects, so I hacked together a quick script. 
# So basically this script doesn't do any checking. It just retrieves 
# information :)
# Limitations:
# This script should work properly on all implementations of Linux, Solaris
# and Mac OS X.
# Output:
# The exit code is the exit code retrieved from OID.100.1. It is temporarily
# stored in $EXITCODE.
# The output string is the string retrieved from OID.101.1. It is tempo-
# rarily stored in $OUTPUT.
# Other notes:
#   If you ever run into problems with the script, set the DEBUG variable
# to 1. I'll need the output the script generates to do troubleshooting.
# See below for details.
#   I realise that all the debugging commands strewn throughout the script
# may make things a little harder to read. But in the end I'm sure it was
# well worth adding them. It makes troubleshooting so much easier. :3
#   Also, for some reason the case statement with the shifts (to detect
# passed options) doesn't seem to be working right. FIXME!
# Check command definition:
# define command{
#       command_name    retrieve_custom_snmp
#       command_line    $USER1$/retrieve_custom_snmp -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -o $ARG1$
#		}

# You may have to change this, depending on where you installed your
# Nagios plugins

[ `uname` == "SunOS" ] && SNMPGET="/usr/local/bin/snmpget -Oqv -v 2c -c $COMMUNITY"
[ `uname` == "Darwin" ] && SNMPGET="/usr/bin/snmpget -Oqv -v 2c -c $COMMUNITY"
[ `uname` == "Linux" ] && SNMPGET="/usr/bin/snmpget -Oqv -v 2c -c $COMMUNITY"

# Cause you never know when you'll need to squash a bug or two

if [ $DEBUG -gt 0 ]
        rm $DEBUGFILE >/dev/null 2>&1


print_usage() {
	echo "Usage: $PROGNAME -H hostname -o OID"
	echo "Usage: $PROGNAME --help"

print_help() {
	echo ""
	echo ""
	echo "Script to retrieve the status for custom SNMP objects."
	echo ""
	echo "This plugin not developped by the Nagios Plugin group."
	echo "Please do not e-mail them for support on this plugin, since"
	echo "they won't know what you're talking about :P"
	echo ""
	echo "For contact info, read the plugin itself..."

while test -n "$1"; do
    case "$1" in
            exit $STATE_OK
            exit $STATE_OK
            echo "Unknown argument: $1"
            exit $STATE_UNKNOWN


[ $DEBUG -gt 0 ] && echo "Retrieve exit code is $EXITCODE" >> $DEBUGFILE
OUTPUT=`$SNMPGET $HOST $STRING | sed 's/"//g'`
[ $DEBUG -gt 0 ] && echo "Retrieve status message is: $OUTPUT" >> $DEBUGFILE

echo $OUTPUT
exit $EXITCODE tags: , , ,

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